
Shri Prakash Kacholia


Shri Prakash Kacholia is an Chartered Accountant, boasting over three decades of invaluable experience in the dynamic Capital Market.

He is Promoter and Managing Director of Emkay Global Financial Services Limited, he spearheads the Derivatives division and steers the growth of the non-institutional business at Emkay.

He also holds directorship in Emkay Fincap Limited, Emkay Corporate Services Limited and Emkay Charitable foundation and a Designated Partner in Amanecer Capital Partners LLP.

His expertise extends beyond the corporate realm; he has made significant contributions as a member of the SEBI Committee on Derivatives.

Moreover, his seasoned leadership has played a pivotal role in his directorship on the boards of
– Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
– Central Depository Services (India) Limited
– BOI Shareholding Limited, a subsidiary of the Bank of India

During his tenure as Director at BSE Limited, he also served as a member of the Audit Committee. He is currently a member of the Advisory Committee of the NSE.