Gloster Cables Limited, a leading manufacturer of PVC & XLPE power & control cables (lt&ht). Plant is located at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
Jayshree Chemicals Limited, (JCL) is a widely held public limited company incorporated on 17th, April, 1962 in the state of West Bengal. The company was involved in Chlor Alkali manufacturing business for about 50 years. This business was hived off due to commercial considerations. All the major activities of the company now include Wind Power generation, Import Export business, and other miscellaneous activities.
Kilkotagiri and Thirumbadi Plantations Limited. (Formerly known as The Thirumbadi Rubber Company Ltd.)
The rubber plantation estate of this company is spread over 1,800 acres at Mukkom, Calicut (Kozhikode) Kerala. Seven lakh Kgs of Single and Double Centrifuged Natural Rubber Latex and Natural Dry Rubber-ISNR 10 & 20 are processed and manufactured by Kilkotagiri and Thirumbadi Plantations Limited.
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